Oil storage facilities are enterprises that accept, store and ship oil and oil products to wholesale consumers. These facilities, consisting of a set of facilities for the supply of petroleum feedstock in various areas of the economy: industry, construction, transport, agriculture, etc.
According to their functional purpose, oil depots are divided into the following types:
- Transshipment.There is a transshipment of oil products between different types of transport. Such oil storage facilities are located at the junction of several types of tracks (sea, road, rail).
- Distribution.They are used for storage of oil products for short periods of time and used to meet the needs of a particular area.
- Storage bases. Provide for the acceptance and storage of fuel at the oil tankfarm facility.
If the oil tankfarm facility combines the functions of transshipment and distribution of oil products, it is called transshipment-distribution.
Composition of the oil tankfarm facility
Oil product depots and tankfarm facilities have their own set of zones and facilities, which depends on the type and category of the tankfarm facility, the nature and purpose of the operations carried out with the feedstock. For example, there is no zone for long-term storage at the transshipment storage facilities.
Process equipment of oil tankfarm facilities, required for any type:
- tank farm is a set of vertical tanks intended for receiving, storing and shipping a given quantity of feedstock. Tanks of oil tankfarm facilities come in different volumes – from 700 to 5000 cubic meters and are the most flammable objects of the entire structure;
- Process pipelines carry out simultaneous reception and release of oil products without loss of quality and mixing of different brands. For example, diesel fuel will never fall into a pipe or tank with gasoline;
- Pumping equipment ensures timely discharge and filling of products.
Oil tankfarm facilities are widely distributed near densely populated areas. For example, the oil tank farm facilities of the Moscow region are more than 20 enterprises of various types. The largest of them are: Volodarskaya LPDS, Pavletsovskaya tankfarm facility and the Nagornaya loading station.
Operation of oil tankfarm facilities
The main task of competent operation is to ensure uninterrupted operation and safety of oil tankfarm facilities. There are regulations not only for the technological processes at the site, but also for a set of measures to prevent fires. So the rules for operating oil tankfarm facilities establish requirements for the territory of the facility, buildings, equipment, communications, preserving the quality of oil products, training personnel, etc.